The Sprinkles & chocolate: Three extras when it comes to a branding session | St. Louis Branding Photographer

Many business owners who reach out to me understand the need for images for their website, social platforms and marketing, but when I provide information on branding sessions I sometimes get blank stares and puzzled faces. 

Let’s talk in terms of ice cream: If headshots are an ice cream cone, branding sessions are a dipped cone with some sprinkles! A branding session gives a much more dynamic range of images for the client to utilize in their marketing. Here are three extras you can expect when you book a branding session with me.

The Pre-Session Prep

Before going full-time as a photographer, my degree in marketing and PR went hand-in-hand with my role as a marketing director of a local real estate company. Of course I use my background in running my own business, but I also utilize my knowledge to help my clients in preparing for our time together. I provide a questionnaire, which some might think lengthy, but it helps my clients process their brand and the things they hope to communicate through their images. I also offer a time to consult with my client either on a call or in person where we can sit down and brain storm ideas together to get the most out of the branding session.

Variety of images

This might be the most outstanding difference between headshots and branding. While headshots are typically taken from shoulder up and seem very rigid, a branding session leaves a client with numerous images from various poses, mixing candid and traditional  together in a zestful way. Branding sessions last a few hours, giving the opportunity for multiple outfit and location changes. A branding session captures the client doing what they do. Sessions include client photos, interactive images, detail shots, layflats and options for video that encapsulate the brand of the business. 


While headshots are simply delivered, images from a branding session are furnished with a guide of specific ways the images can be utilized. Yes, the images can be displayed on the client’s website or on Instagram, but I provide some insights on what images would be the most effective to create and build a relationship with the audience they have. 

While an ice cream cone is nice, I’m going to choose a dipped cone with sprinkles! What about you?

Headshot and branding images
A side-by-side of a headshot and branding shot
Images from a branding session
Some of the images from a branding session
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