A celebration of 2022 | st. Louis lifestyle photographer

A Little Byrdie Told Me | A Celebration of 2022

It’s been two weeks into the new year and honestly it’s been a hard couple of weeks trying to get back into routines after the holidays. While I might not be ready to dive in, I have taken my time to reflect over my 2022 goals and excited to celebrate what I accomplished! Here are a few things to celebrate in 2022! 

Photos of Nicole Byrd, owner of Rare Vision Photography

Connections Made

Brené Brown once described connection as “The energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. When they can give and receive without judgment.” This year I had the opportunity to connect with 18 new clients — new people who invited me into their lives and capture moments for them that they’ll hold onto for years. I got to capture connections when I captured extended family sessions. Not only that, but I reconnected with many others, some who I haven’t seen in years to document their life.

Fun Achieved

Photographer Diane Arbus once said, “Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.” Ever since being a little girl I have enjoyed photography and being able to take something I love and make it into a business isn’t something I take for granted. Every time to head to a session, I’m excited and I’m thankful that I get to have fun whenever I start clicking away.

Beauty Captured

Ashley Smith once said, “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” When I pick up my camera I notice the beauty — the first moments of a newborn’s life, laughter of a family in a tickle fight, the dreams of a high school senior as they begin their journey into adulthood, the grit of an entrepreneur in creating content to share with their audience. Within each session, beauty was captured and shared with the client.

This year has been a whirlwind of 45 session, 18 new clients, three branding clients, over 2,000 miles driven and over 14,500 images captured. The goal of emulating connection, fun and beauty in my business was achieved but as I set out looking ahead into 2023, my desire to emulate these three words remain. 

Images from my 2022 sessions
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