The Miracle of a Birth | St. Louis Birth Story

Barbara Katz Rothman once said, “Birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength.” Every time I witness a birth I think about the strength and resiliency a mother faces at the birth of her child. Recently I got to be a part of documenting this miracle for Camryn and Ryan, new parents to Everett Alexander.

Camryn contacted me this summer about her upcoming delivery and wanting a photographer to document the birth. We quickly hit it off, realizing we were both the oldest of large families and had similar personalities. Once cleared with her doctor, we anticipated baby’s arrival. As appointments got closer together, Camryn kept me informed of her progress and when the due date passed, it was evident an induction would be scheduled. 

The Road to Labor and Delivery

Beginning an induction 8pm on a Saturday isn’t bad but when your son does’t arrive until the wee hours Monday morning, it’s a long and trying process. All day Sunday I kept updated with Camryn’s progress by her mom and continued to be ready to leave whenever it was push time. When Camryn’s water broke Sunday night, I knew I needed to head up to the hospital since things can progress quicker after that. 

Coffee in hand, I headed to the hospital to be ready to document the birth. When I arrived, Camryn’s mom was there and soon after much of the immediate family. They all were excited and super friendly as we chatted about Baby Everett’s arrival. Knowing both Camryn and Ryan needed some rest, we all headed to the waiting where I saw some intense Connect Four matches and them guessing when baby would arrive. I excused myself from the group and after capturing some images and video outside the room rejoined the parents-to-be. Both seemed very chill and ready but as contractions intensified, Camryn relied more heavily on Ryan. Camryn’s nurse, Roxi, was amazing and advocated well for more pain meds and after receiving, both parents were able to get a nap.

Learning that the family moved to their vehicles for some rest themselves, I stole away to the waiting room to give Camryn and Ryan time to themselves. Later, while I sat in the waiting room, I got a text from Camryn’s mom sharing she was practice pushing and they were getting things set up. 

When I returned to the room, the mood had changed. No longer was it a quiet space but rather a bustle of activity as nurses brought in the necessary equipment and tools. Roxi worked well with Camryn and gave instruction to Ryan and Camryn’s mom how they could support her. Quickly she began to progress, her doctor Matuszek came in for the delivery and soon Everett Alexander Lunsford was here!

Final Thoughts

Birth photography is so breathtaking and miraculous to document for the parents. I love documenting births and super thankful for Camryn and Ryan allowing me to document their first birth.

Birth Location: St. Lukes Hospital | Chesterfield, Missouri 
Birthday: November 13, 2023
Birth Video

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  1. Camryn Green says:

    Nicole you are just so amazing! I just finished reading the blog and it was like I relieved everything again and it was the most beautifully wrote blog! I’m so thankful for you capturing our first child’s birth and can’t wait for you to capture our next one! You’re the best!

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