The Grahams | St. Louis Family Photographer

Last week was the perfect week for photos this summer with cooler temperatures and a lovely breeze! I became friends with Chalahn in high school when she moved to area from Australia. While we’ve lost touch through years and distance, Facebook has kept us in contact and we were able to set up this session while she, Joe and the kids were in town visiting from Texas. 

We met at the back of Ferd B. Lang Park where I’m hosting my summer evening sessions and I began with some walking photos which helped us ease into the rest of the images. All three kids did amazingly and I was often laughing at one comment or another from someone in the family. Each kid’s personality showed brightly in their personal portraits.

I was thrilled that I got to capture moments for this family! While it had be years since we saw each other, it was easy to catch up and chat about our families which helped everyone at ease as I captured moments of them. I absolutely loved how comfortable they were in front of the camera ending our time with some goofy face shots and then often awkward prom pose which was brained out by Joe. 

Session Location: Ferd B. Lang Park | Arnold
Session Date: July 17, 2023

Image of the family leaning into each other
Images of family with park in background
Images of the kids individually
Images of parents with the kids
Black and white image of the family being goofy
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