Lloyd and Ashley Byrd had a fun announcement to share with their family who turned up to their home for an evening barbecue. The entire family showed up decked out in either blue or pink, depending on the gender they predicted Baby Byrd would be. Votes were thoughtfully tallied and excitement built.
Not wanting to spill the secret, Lloyd and Ashley decided to share their secret before dinner. Everyone gathered in the backyard where Lloyd hit a ball with a golf club to announce they were expecting another girl. It was a special touch incorporating Lloyd’s sport of choice into the announcement as Ashley looked on lovingly as she held big sister Lynnlee.
Capturing events like this makes me uber excited (it was probably also the fact this auntie was excited to find out if she would have a nephew or niece!) The fact that these two girls will be super close (see Lynnlee’s newborn photos here) will honestly be one of the most adorable things to see! As Marilyn Monroe once said, “Sisters make the best friends in the world.”
Session Location: At Home Event | Arnold, Missouri
Session Date: August 28, 2021