An Easter Birthday | St. Louis Childrens Photographer

There’s something special when your child’s birthday rolls around. As a parent you want everything picture perfect and ready to celebrate. The case is no different for me and sometimes I think it’s even more palpable, especially since both of my kids have birthdays in April…three days apart.

“The great paradox of parenting is that it moves in both slow motion and fast speed.”


This year, my son’s birthday fell on Easter so I decided it might be my only chance to do an Easter themed birthday session. (Who knows. Next time it’s this close, they’ll probably say no.) I put the word out that I was looking for a live bunny or two to use during the session and I had an amazing friend not only let me borrow her bunnies, but she brought them and hung out while I snapped photos!

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

Dr. Seuss


Lillian is a bright and cheerful five-year-old! She loves to learn and is eager to read. The oldest, she definitely tries to boss around her younger brother, but there are often sweet moments of them playing together. She loves to play pretend and wants to be a photographer and mommy when she grows up! She was timid at first with the bunny but soon warmed up to him, petting him lovingly and trying to get him to eat the carrot.

“No one tells you that the hardest part of motherhood is when your kids grow up.”

Ezra is a rambunctious and happy three-year-old! He loves to play cars and learn alongside his sister. He is very affectionate, loves to snuggle with me and give hugs to his sister (usually knocking her down in the process). I often find him in the garden digging and discovering something new. He was definitely not very fond of the bunny but at the very last minute gave him a hug, a win since I got the shot!

Capturing these two at this age wasn’t easy, but definitely worth it when I look back at these moments years from now.

Session Location: Bee Tree Park | Oakville, Missouri
Session Date: March 16, 2021
  • Images from an Easter birthday session
  • Images of three year old
  • Collage of five-year-old girl
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