Front Steps Project | St. Louis Family Sessions

The outbreak of COVID-19 has put our “normal lives” in a tailspin. Schools are closed, social distancing is a new norm and businesses are struggling. I heard of other photographers around the nation doing social distanced-approved sessions while asking their clients to support a local business or charity. Eager to spread joy during this unusual and hard time, I decided to launch my own #frontstepsproject.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Theodore Roosevelt

Though these #frontstepsproject sessions are free, I request that the family supports a local charity or business. It has been a delight to capture several families outside their homes during this project. Many moms have told me that their session was the first time that they put on nice clothes or makeup. I’ve seen delight in many kids eyes as I’ve captured their photo during this rare time in our lives. Documenting history for these families to have a memory of the days when we all stayed home is something to be treasured.

The Spencer family on their front porch.
The Spencer Family
Images of the Hilberts during my front porch project
The Hilbert Family
NaTacia with her kids outside their door
The Zaricor Family
Images of the Vessells family outside their home
The Vessells Family
Images of the Sweet family for my front porch project
The Sweet Family
Moments of the Darby family outside their home
The Darby Family
The Swan family outside their first home
The Swan Family
The Schisler family during my front steps project
The Schisler Family
The Huelsing family outside their home
The Huelsing Family
Want to book a session? Click here
#FrontStepsProject on Instagram

  1. […] during our time together. Her two kids have grown a lot since I last captured them as a family (Front Steps Project 2020) and it was fun to learn what interests them, now that they’re […]

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