Last year I began an endeavor that was a life saver for me – going slow. The stress of utilizing the week between Christmas and New Year’s to put together a list of personal and business goals was overwhelming and so I didn’t. I used the advice of favorite author, Emily P. Freeman, “January is the new week between Christmas and the new year.”
So what does it mean for me to go slow as I start a new season, a new project, a new year? Here are three things going slow includes.
John Ortberg said, “Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation.” The last few years I’ve been taking time each morning to specifically write down something that happened the day before I’m thankful. As I begin to list the things I’m grateful for, it helps me to have a slower pace and savor the moments in my daily life.
Margaret J. Wheatley once wrote, “Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” Utilizing the whole month of January to reflect on the prior year before setting up my goals, really allows me to slow down. I can take challenging moments from the year prior and recognize the things I’ve learned to help me grow.
As a overachiever, going slow can be such a challenge for me. Intentionally setting up time in my day, to reflect, write and savor the day can be hard. In a world that constantly rushes us, I found being intentional in my conversations, time with my family and even when working, allows me to things done well instead of a rushed mess.
Gratitude, reflections and intentionality have helped me to slow down from the mad dash that often comes with a new year and has allowed me to flourish.