I had the privilege of documenting Levi’s birth (see blog here). I traveled to Festus to capture moments of the new family of six at their home. As I entered the home, the older sisters bustled in excitement as they were going to get photos with their baby. Levi was the center of attention for his three older sisters. and they loved the opportunities they had during the session to hold and cuddle their baby brother.
Since Levi’s due date was Christmas, it was only fitting to use the Christmas tree as a background. I loved seeing Levi’s sisters dote on him, give him kisses and gawk at his tiny fingers and toes. You could tell they were absolutely smitten!
Next came some moments of the whole family. We had time on the couch, snuggling and sometimes fighting over who was going to sit closest to the baby. We took a break from family photos to do some of just Lloyd and Ashley. Some of my favorites of them were as they snuggled their baby boy, teased each other and laughed. After a few more family photos, we stole away to the nursery.
We returned to the living room for the next phase – images of just Levi. Some of the fun moments included Levi in his lumberjack outfit, complete with a knitted beard. Rounding out our time together, were the detail shots. I’m sure these beautiful details will be treasured memories as they remember how little Levi once was.
Newborn lifestyle sessions are some of my favorites to capture! I’m honored every time I’m invited into a home to document the life of a family with a newborn. I’m thrilled to have done it for the Byrd family, now four times!
Session Location: In-Home Session | Festus, Missouri
Session Date: December 13, 2024