Camryn reached out to me at the beginning of June sharing the exciting news that she was expecting her second baby. She eagerly requested I document this birth (I had the privilege of capturing her first last November – read here). I was elated for Camryn, Ryan and the privilege to capture them as they welcome their baby.
As Camryn’s due date grew closer, Camryn did a great job keeping me updated as she progressed and it was decided that she would be induced at 39 weeks on the morning of October 1. Throughout that Tuesday, I anticipated receiving a call and was grateful to Camryn and Ryan keeping me up to date when they shared details of Camryn’s progress. As the afternoon turned to evening I wondered when would baby arrive.
Waiting for arrival
When Camryn’s doctor broke her water she discovered she was five centimeters dilated. Knowing progress was being made I decided to slowly make my way up to Missouri Baptist Hospital, the location of the birth. I stopped for some caffeine, uncertain of the length of time I would be there. I arrived around 8pm, delighted to meet soon-to-be big brother Everett and seeing Camryn’s family again.
Capturing the waiting is often the best moments of the family as they are eager to meet the baby. I excused myself to the waiting room to give Camryn and Ryan both some rest before things progressed further. Soon, Camryn’s family decided to head home to get some rest as they carried sleeping Everett to the parking lot. Even while laboring, Camryn was kind and thoughtful, inviting me to come and hang out in the room. Only about 15 minutes later and I was heading to the labor room, cameras in hand ready to capture baby’s birth!
Welcome Brynlee
As I entered the room, I could tell that they were almost done prepping and pushing would soon begin. I secured my cameras into my harness and hoisted myself onto the couch, Ryan had been dosing on a mere minutes prior. Camryn began pushing at 10:31pm and three minutes later we welcomed Brynlee Elizabeth Lunsford into the world!
While mom did skin to skin with Brynlee and dad cut the umbilical cord, the doctor worked to deliver the placenta. After 30 minutes of trying, it was determined the best decision would be to take Camryn to the OR to ensure everything was out. During this time I stayed with Ryan and Brynlee, having the opportunity to pray with dad and capture first moments of him with his daughter, including him feeding her.
About a half hour later Camryn returned to the labor room. Having lost blood and not feeling well, she was strictly charged by her nurse to take care of herself and get rest. Knowing Camryn needed rest, I offered my congratulations and headed home to get some first looks edited.
Someone once said, “There is a wonder in the birth of a baby that takes us beyond the mundane and into the realm of the divine.” While the plan went awry after the birth, Camryn and Ryan shifted as only parents can. Camryn did amazing throughout the entire time and Ryan stepped in to care for his daughter during the OR visit.
I’ve learned through documenting birth stories and having my own, birth plans rarely go exact. When we welcome babies into the world, expect for the pivots. This may be why I enjoy capturing them so much. The ability to capture life as it happens is a precious gift I’m grateful clients welcome me into.
Session Location: Missouri Baptist Hospital | Town & Country
Session Date: October 1, 2024