When friends ask me to capture family moments I get giddy. When capturing moments for them involves a trip, I’m thrilled. It just gets better when the travel involves flights and visiting another country! I recently visited Duisburg, Germany to visit the Schisler family and while there, updated their family photos for them.
Duisburg is a German city at the junction of the Rhine and Ruhr Rivers which features a beautiful inner harbor. Before enjoying a delicious dinner in this district, I utilized this lovely location as a background for the Schisler’s session. Our first location was in front of the brilliant inner harbor and large buildings, including the odd State Archive Building (the one without windows). I then spotted a beautiful area for the family to sit with beautiful flowers in the buildings flower beds. Always wanting a variety of images, I shot the family all together, then broke into different arrangements, blending candid and posed shots.
While I didn’t just travel to Germany to do this session, I was ecstatic that Mallory asked me to capture moments of them while there! A dear friend, I was blessed to capture moments of them when they lived in the States and thrilled to capture updated ones for this wonderful family. Now that I’m back, I’m ready to capture more moments of families on travels!
Session Location: Duisburg Inner Harbor | Duisburg, Germany
Session Date: June 4, 2024