Fall Saves: What’s Saving My Life | St. Louis Photographer

Fall saves are sometimes smaller but make a big difference. I recently posted that October is to photographers what April is to accountants, and having one day of 10 mini sessions makes this statement quite true. Not only is October full of sessions, but I also try to pack as many fall fun things to our personal schedule because it’s my favorite! 

Image of funny October statement

Here are a few things saving my life this autumn.

Fall Save 1 – Early morning

Following my last season of waking up later, I’ve decided a 5am wakeup is best for me right now. I wake up to quiet and stillness, make my coffee and sit in my chair where I read, journal and prepare for the day ahead. 

Fall Save 2 – A simpler school schedule

Being a homeschool mom isn’t without its challenges, especially when I’m in a busy business season. While I could quickly become overwhelmed I’ve decided to limit some of our subjects to three days a week to help alleviate the overwhelm. We still do our school work but its a little less, giving more flexibility. Also saving my life is the Homeschool Hall, a way to easily track hours!

Fall Save 3 – Special trips

On those rare occasions when we have an afternoon or morning free, we have been filling them with outings to special places. Earlier this month, we spent the morning hiking with friends at Kress Farm Garden Preserve in Hillsboro before an afternoon shooting. Yesterday my husband took the day off as part of our wedding anniversary celebration and we took a drive to Johnson Shut-Ins where we explored and played on the rocks and took in the beautiful weather. These outings breath life into me as I’m often behind my computer editing after sessions. 

Images of hike at Kress Garden Preserve
Images from time at Johnson Shut-Ins

Fall Save 4 – Hot tea

If you know me, you might be confused by this. Yes, I still drink my coffee but hot tea in the evening helps begin my wind down routine. Some of my favorite teas include Vanilla Chai, Lady Gray and Pemberley, a special blend from The London Tea Room.

Fall Save 5 – A room swap

Last but not least on my fall saves is a room swap. We recently did a little room swap in our home. Our front room, which was once the dining room, is now our living room and the large room which was once the living room is now part dining room. Having done the swap, the flow of our home is much better and I feel I have a more designated work space. 

Image of Johnson Shut-Ins
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