Anyone start humming that tune when they saw the title? (I did!) I was thrilled to return for a second year to capture moments of the students and teachers for Classical Conversations at First Arnold.
The purpose of Classical Conversations® is to lead the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God’s created order and beauty— and as a result— enable others to do the same. Each family came outside, some battling the chill in the air, to capture some fun moments at a student desk set up.
Returning for a second year, gave me the opportunity to interact with some of the same students from last year, which was so much fun! Those that attended the session last year were all warmed up and eager to get their photos taken. I got to meet many more students this year as the group has increased in size. The weather wasn’t too cold which made it the perfect day to capture some photos for these fantastic students!
Session Location: First Baptist | Arnold, Missouri
To learn more about Classical Conversations, click here
Session Date: September 15, 2022