Arthur Ashe once said, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” For recent high school graduate, Teddy Bender he’s doing just that. Having a love for automobiles, Teddy will be studying at State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, Missouri pursuing a two-year degree in automotive technology. Excited of his acceptance gave Teddy energy to comply to his mom’s excitement in senior and family photos. Capturing moments in his pickup and doing some stunts on his dirt bike for the shoot didn’t hurt either.
As I normally don’t have a ton of senior sessions, I was really excited to capture Teddy’s senior photos especially when he had some cool props to use! Capturing fun moments with the family was fun as well and I could tell that his parents were proud of their son. Senator Orrin Hatch once said, “Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” For Teddy, I know his graduation isn’t the end, just the beginning.
Session Location: At Home Session | Hillsboro, Missouri
Session Date: May 28, 2022