Someone once said, “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” For the Geringer family, this quote is quite true. Having an eighteen-month-old and adding a newborn into the mix has been an adjustment for parents Brad and Ashley. As I entered into their home, I could tell Brad was running on limited sleep as he covers overnights giving Ashley time to sleep. Ashley’s mom was also on hand during the session to provide help to the family as Ashley recovers from her C-section.
Jane Austen once said, “What strange creatures brothers are!” For big brother, Bennett he’s discovering what it means to have a sibling. While capturing moments of the family on the couch and while his brother Caleb was being fussy, Bennett launched his own impersonation of his baby brother with a scream, causing us all to chuckle. We all erupted in laughter when Bennett found a banana in his grandma’s bag, brining it to his parents for a snack. We had no idea where he found it but it was soon all settled and after a brief snack Bennett was ready for some moments captured with mom and his brother.
After we captured moments of the whole family, it was time for Caleb’s portraits. I did a few swaddles, which he loved and then moved onto the cutest setup with him with a bowtie and cap. Ashley said he looked like the cutest little old man ever (I couldn’t help but agree!)
It was a wonderful time to meet the newest addition to the Geringer family. While Bennett isn’t quite sure about his brother, I have a feeling that this duo will have a tight bond. I’ve joked with Ashley how just maybe Caleb will grow to be taller than his brother making him the little big brother. Regardless, I’m thrilled for Brad and Ashley and can’t wait to see their boys grow!
Session Location: At Home Session | Oakville, Missouri
Session Date: May 25, 2022