A Little Byrdie Told Me | A Favorite Yes

Emily P. Freeman is one of my favorite humans on earth. That’s quite a statement especially since I’ve never met her before, but her books and podcast have deeply impacted my life. In her most recent episode of her podcast, “The Next Right Thing,” (episode 220: Our Favorite Yeses) Emily P. Freeman shares listeners favorite yeses. As I listened, I began to think of some of my favorite yeses.

Saying yes to follow Jesus, saying yes to attend SBU, saying yes to Brandon, saying yes to becoming a marketing director, saying yes to being a mom…. Saying yes to creating Rare Vision Photography. Below is a short description how I said yes to my business.

I started Rare Vision after a couple of years taking photos of family and friends at the insistence of my sister Emilie who suggested I make a Facebook page. That was May 2, 2011. I continued to capture images for friends and family on the side as I worked a sales job and later joined Dielmann Sotheby’s International Realty (DSIR) and grew into my “dream” role.

In the podcast, Emily said, “When you say yes to things you automatically say no to other things, whether you mean to or not.” This was very true as I was a marketing director for DSIR and loved the aspects of utilizing my creativity and education. Once we welcome our daughter in 2016, I grew to realize that my dream was changing. I wanted to stay home with my daughter and when we found out we would be parents again, I decided to say yes to staying home.

That yes to staying home gave way to another yes: becoming a full-time photographer. Being a stay-at-home mom plus running a business is no easy task but I was up for the challenge. I’ve learned a lot and continue to learn what it means to be a mampreneur in this current season of life with a preschooler and kindergartner.

Joseph Campbell said, “The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” Rare Vision Photography was created through a series of yeses that have to become some of my several favorites and has created a wonderful adventure.

Images from behind the scenes
Some images of me doing my yes

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