The Harger Family | Gray Summit Family Photography

Thomas, Jamie and Nicholas Harger know how to have fun! This small family asked me if they could change into their dinosaur costumes for a few photos…of course! They got into character and everything (check out Rare Vision’s Facebook page for some photos)!

We met as Shaw Nature Reserve opened for the day. Though cloudy, it was dry and the brilliance of the trees brought an exquisite brightness that was spectacular! Before changing into their costumes, we had fun walking around the reserve, stopping at signs so Nicholas could read them and capturing moments including a tickle fight, some swinging Nicholas and loads of laughter and cuddles.

I haven’t known the Harger family very long but already consider them friends. They are quick to welcome others into their lives and so much fun to be around. John C. Maxwell once said, “Family and friendships are two of the greatest facilitators of happiness,” and for the Harger family the happiness shows.

Session Location: Shaw Nature Reserve | Gray Summit, Missouri
Session Date: October 30, 2021

Images sitting at Shaw Nature Reserve
Boy posing and laughing
Images of a family by Pinetum Lake
Images of Harger family at Shaw Nature Reserve
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