Wow, what a year! 2020 was rough, hard and challenging to say the least. Starting 2020, I was bright eyed and excited but then COVID turned our normal upside down, including the normal for Rare Vision Photography.
“The past makes us who we are. Celebrate it.”
Even during this trying year, I’m so blessed to look on the year with fond memories and moments of celebration. Here I would like to share three celebrations for me and Rare Vision Photography.
Front Porch Project:
When COVID first hit and we were all spending a ton of time at home, I took part of a photography project called The Front Porch Project. I invited families to join me outside their homes for a free, quick session and asked them in turn to support a local business. These sessions were some of my favorite sessions as they documented real life.

New Studio Space:
I’ve always had an interest in renting studio space to hold sessions at and this year I discovered a wonderful, natural light studio: COCOS St. Louis. This space is located in Benton Park (close to one of my favorite breakfast joints, I might add!) and boasts lovely light, special furniture and high ceilings. I was able to hold several sessions in the space and look forward to hosting more in the future.

Capturing some wonderful moments:
This is probably by far my greatest celebration! I absolutely love capturing moments for people and this year didn’t disappoint! One of my favorite sessions was a military homecoming which included a father meeting his baby daughter and her quick attachment to him. A bittersweet session for me was capturing moments of a couple this summer, unknown that the husband would lose his long battle to cancer. Finally, I had two dreamy sessions: a spectacular fall morning session at Shaw Nature Reserve and a sunrise maternity session that left me giddy at the moments I captured.

While 2020 wasn’t the year we expected, looking back on the year I had with Rare Vision Photography, I’m celebrating!