Holly Dow contacted me after her father, a photographer, was unable to come into town amid the COVID-19 outbreak. A few weeks later we had a plan and location for their maternity session! I met Holly and her husband, Jordan, on a beautiful evening at a park where we could find a more isolated area to capture some moments as they anticipate the arrival of their son, Liam.
“Pregnancy seems designed to prepare you for life as a mother. You start making sacrifices nine months before the child is born, so by the time they put in an appearance you are used to giving things up for them.”
Brett Kiellerop
It was great getting to know this couple better as I captured moments of the two of them. Holly had an amazing glow that was simply breathtaking. The evening sky was magical and the brilliance of varying colors made the ending of our session picture perfect! Both Jordan and Holly are extremely excited to welcome Liam into the world even in these crazy times and I wish them all the best as they meet their firstborn.
“A grand adventure is about to begin.”
Winnie the Pooh
Session Location: Arnold City Park | Arnold, Missouri
Session Date: April 18, 2020