Birthdays are a special time. A time to reflect on the past year; a time to hope and plan for the future, almost like the start of a new year. As I began to reflect on my birthday in the context of Rare Vision Photography, I realized I’ve learned a lot about myself.
The Love of Storytelling
“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”
Destin Sparks

I have long enjoyed creating stories. Writing and journaling have become ways I can unwind and find perspective in my life. Photography has become outlet for me tell other people’s stories. I get goosebumps when I capture a family embracing after an extended time apart, the birth of a child long awaited by parents or simply children playing together. I find myself falling in love with photography and storytelling all over again each session I have.
Being Real
“Putting yourself out there feels vulnerable and risky, but anything worth doing usually does.”
Christy Wright

Starting Rare Vision Photography was scary and continues to be as I try to be authentic in my business. As a more introverted person, meeting new people and putting my work out for critiques is hard and sometimes I want to run from it. As I’m about to dart, I remember that it’s also in those hard moments that I find purpose and that fuels the fire for me. It’s hard and challenging, but so worth it in the end.
Creativity Abounds
“Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.”
Ambrose Bierce

I’ve always been labeled by others as creative and when I stop to think about it, I realize that I naturally gravitate towards creative aspects. Music. Art. Books. Photography. I enjoy finding inspiration from others but I come alive when I create things myself. Capturing moments for others in photography is a God-given gift that I’m so thankful to have.
As I continue to capture moments for others and run Rare Vision Photography, my prayer is that it continues to grow me into a woman who’s genuine, kind, intelligent, creative, dedicated…all the while pointing to Jesus while I shoot away.