Three Lessons Learned During My Birthday | St. Louis Photographer

Celebrating my birthday is one of my favorite things and I usually start thinking of the festivities really early. For instance, this year, my birthday was decided back in August when I discovered a fun, hot pink tulle skirt while shopping with a friend. I instantly knew I was going to have a dinner with friends and their significant others. Did I mention I get super excited celebrating my birthday?

I had purposefully invited 10 friends and their plus ones, but for one reason or another, only two could attend. The envisioned large dinner party of 22 quickly dwindled to a much smaller party. Honestly I was a little disappointed, but I learned a few valuable lessons:

It’s okay when things don’t go as envisioned 

While it was only a party of five, I was able to enjoy conversation with everyone there. If I had hosted the larger group, I would have had only a few moments (maybe) with each person. I was able to relax, not have to move around the table and enjoy the moments we shared over dinner.

Friends will make you feel special 

From Crumbl cookies and special outings to heartfelt notes that made me teary eyed, I have felt the love of so many friends that couldn’t make my party. While they couldn’t make it, they still celebrated in different ways which made my birthday celebration stretch further and make me feel so special.

Disappointment is a part of life

Back in August, when I found my skirt, I expected a picture-perfect evening full of laughter, conversation and fun with friends. What I got was a fun evening full of laughter and conversation, just with a smaller group. I quickly realized my expectations of a grand event led to disappointment before my dinner. Thankfully, I didn’t allow disappointment to take the joy from a wonderful evening with friends as we celebrated my birthday.

Image of Nicole in her skirt as she shares lessons learned.
Had to show you the skirt!

I believe birthdays are special. It’s the one day in your life where you start that x year around the sun. For me, this year it was 38. What I learned from this birthday is that no matter the outcome of my birthday festivities, I will always feel loved and cared for by my husband, kids, family and friends. 

These lessons learned can also be applied in my photography. A photo session might not turn out as I envision or sessions might not book as I expect. In the midst of disappointment, I can remember how many family and friends are cheering me on. They give me joy and help me to continue this photography journey.

Now, onto the next year of birthday planning! 

Birthday images of Nicole
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