Summer is at full steam and looking at my calendar, I’ve realized how quickly this month is going to whiz by! Summer is different for everyone and routines are often different or maybe non existent. As I look at this current season I thought I would share seven things that are saving my life right now.
Later wake up time
I’m quite the early bird and so it’s not very unusual for me to wake up early. I often wake up at 5am during the school year to give me some quiet time and to get started with my routine before my kids wake up, but I decided I would sleep in a little. While my wake up time isn’t a drastic change (it’s 6am now), I have found that it gives me a little more summer vibe.
A simpler getting ready routine
While I don’t wear a ton a makeup to begin with, I decided to wear even less this summer. After my morning face cleaning, I simply put under eye concealer and mascara. THAT’S IT! Another getting ready routine that I’ve simplified is my hair. Since it’s hot and I normally put up my hair, I’ve decided when I wash my hair that I often let it air dry instead of drying and styling it. These simple steps have helped me cut time in the bathroom and give me more time to enjoy the summer!
Being outside
St. Louis can be quite hot and humid in the summer, but I try to not let it slow me down from getting outside and enjoy nature. I try to get the kids out to fun places to enjoy and discover before the afternoon heat hits so we can use that time for some chill time indoors.
Snack lunches
There are so many times when we get late from our outings, the kids are hungry and I’m frazzled to make a lunch when we’ll eat dinner in a few hours. I decided to make a small board of cut apples, cheese, pretzels, cheese-its and carrots to provide something to tie us over until dinner is served.
Play dates
This one ties closely to being outside because it’s so much more fun to do things with friends. With school out, lots of friends are able to get out and enjoy fun moments together! Whether it’s the pool, trail or zoo, it’s always better with friends!
Water bottle
It’s important to drink enough water, especially in the summer heat, so I’m so glad we have some Simple Modern water bottles. Each kid has a character bottle they love plus they keep water nice and cold throughout the day. I love that we can carry them throughout the day without concern of any leaks and the fact that they have water close at hand throughout the day.