While fall was only two days away, the weather didn’t get the memo the evening I met with the Lester family at Longview Farm Park in Town and Country. Though hot, the mixture of early fall leaves, end of summer blooms and beautiful light tickled me! Before the Lesters arrived, I spent some time choosing out some of the best areas that would provide the best light and highlight beautiful backgrounds. We began our time near the Longview House and gardens. As the sun began its descent, we made our way onto a paved trail to get some images with beautiful light.
I absolutely loved Nicole’s pick of Longview Farm Park. Longview a delightful park that boasts numerous features that give beautiful appeal to the photo backgrounds. It is always a blast to reconnect with a past client and update photos for them! The boys seemed to be out of the stage where I would have to be goofy all the time to get a shot and they took direction well! I enjoyed learning about the boys’ current interests as we walked around the park. I absolutely loved capturing the more candid moments of this family as they laughed and tickled each other.